
Hey! I’m Dot, your not so typical christian millennial figuring out this adulting thing and giving you a peek into that journey. I’m unashamedly in love with God and my goal in life is to love Him by thriving wherever He takes me and sharing that love with others.

I’ve called this ‘boldly unconformed’ because I think that’s the best description of who I am. I gave up on the struggle to fit in a long time ago; perhaps it was that the world never gave me the option. Whichever it is, I know that no one ever changed the world by conforming. As someone who is weary of shallow relationships and small talk, allow me to promise you that this will not be your usual christian girl blog that focuses on rainbows, sunshine, recipes and lessons on modesty. In my world we go deep, raw and bold because in my experience that is where we can affect real change. In bearing my scars and letting you see my fears I hope that it will give you courage to confront yours and find healing, love, light and freedom as I have found in my Father’s arms.

Whatever has led you here, welcome to my story. Thank you for your time.

Seek Justice, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly With Your God

Micah 6:8

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